When I ssh into frysk-boston.redhat.com using "ssh -X" and start frysk I get differing results when I bring up process lists. When I try to define a new debug session by clicking on the "New" button I get no processes in the "Process Groups" pane to select for monitoring. If I go back to the startup window and try to bring up a process to debug with a source window I get a list of processes that I own. I would think these 2 lists would be generated close to the same way. Not sure what is going on.
Although the "debug list" is no longer present. I think this can be attributed to the fact that that list was too optimistic. Does the process list miss any processies which are actually debuggable ? the smaller list relys on this -strict- function to figure out what processes are debuggable: /** * Returns wether this user owns this process * or not. * Checks uid and gid. * Checks if the given process is this frysk process if so * returns false. * Also checks that the user has acces to /pro/exe if not * false is returned. * @return boolean; true of the user owns this * process, and can debug it false otherwise; */ public boolean isOwned(){ boolean owned = false; try { owned = (this.proc.getUID() == Manager.host.getSelf().getUID() || this.proc.getGID() == Manager.host.getSelf().getGID()); if (owned) if (this.proc.getPid() == Manager.host.getSelf().getPid()) owned = false; try{ proc.getExe(); }catch(Exception e){ owned = false; return owned; } } catch (Exception e) { errorLog.log(Level.WARNING, "GuiProc.isOwned: Error checking host/proc ownership",e); } return owned; }