Uses of Class

Packages that use ElfSymbolType
frysk.isa.watchpoints This package implements Frysk's Low level Watchpoint abstraction. 
frysk.proc This package implements frysk's process model of the target system. 
frysk.proc.dead This is a frysk implementation package that provides the implementation of frysk.proc for ptrace based (GNU/Linux) systems. 
frysk.symtab This package implements frysk's low-level, object, symbol table. 
lib.dwfl This package implements wrappers around elfutils

Uses of ElfSymbolType in frysk.isa.watchpoints

Methods in frysk.isa.watchpoints with parameters of type ElfSymbolType
 void TestWatchpoint.Symbol.symbol(String name, long value, long size, ElfSymbolType type, ElfSymbolBinding bind, ElfSymbolVisibility visibility, boolean defined)

Uses of ElfSymbolType in frysk.proc

Methods in frysk.proc with parameters of type ElfSymbolType
 void TestInstructions.Symbol.symbol(String name, long value, long size, ElfSymbolType type, ElfSymbolBinding bind, ElfSymbolVisibility visibility, boolean defined)
 void TestTaskObserverWatchpoint.Symbol.symbol(String name, long value, long size, ElfSymbolType type, ElfSymbolBinding bind, ElfSymbolVisibility visibility, boolean defined)

Uses of ElfSymbolType in frysk.proc.dead

Methods in frysk.proc.dead with parameters of type ElfSymbolType
 void TestLinuxCore.Symbol.symbol(String name, long value, long size, ElfSymbolType type, ElfSymbolBinding bind, ElfSymbolVisibility visibility, boolean defined)

Uses of ElfSymbolType in

Methods in with parameters of type ElfSymbolType
 void TestTaskObserverCode.Symbol.symbol(String name, long value, long size, ElfSymbolType type, ElfSymbolBinding bind, ElfSymbolVisibility visibility, boolean defined)

Uses of ElfSymbolType in frysk.symtab

Fields in frysk.symtab declared as ElfSymbolType
private  ElfSymbolType SymbolObjectDeclaration.elfType
private  ElfSymbolType Symbol.type

Constructors in frysk.symtab with parameters of type ElfSymbolType
DwflSymbol(long address, long size, String name, ElfSymbolType type, DwflDie dieBias, DwflModule module, boolean defined)
Symbol(long address, long size, String name, ElfSymbolType type)
SymbolObjectDeclaration(String name, ElfSymbolType elfType, long address, long size)

Uses of ElfSymbolType in lib.dwfl

Fields in lib.dwfl declared as ElfSymbolType
static ElfSymbolType ElfSymbolType.ELF_STT_COMMON
static ElfSymbolType ElfSymbolType.ELF_STT_FILE
static ElfSymbolType ElfSymbolType.ELF_STT_FUNC
static ElfSymbolType ElfSymbolType.ELF_STT_NOTYPE
static ElfSymbolType ElfSymbolType.ELF_STT_NUM
static ElfSymbolType ElfSymbolType.ELF_STT_OBJECT
static ElfSymbolType ElfSymbolType.ELF_STT_OS_0
static ElfSymbolType ElfSymbolType.ELF_STT_OS_1
static ElfSymbolType ElfSymbolType.ELF_STT_OS_2
static ElfSymbolType ElfSymbolType.ELF_STT_PROC_0
static ElfSymbolType ElfSymbolType.ELF_STT_PROC_1
static ElfSymbolType ElfSymbolType.ELF_STT_PROC_2
static ElfSymbolType ElfSymbolType.ELF_STT_SECTION
static ElfSymbolType ElfSymbolType.ELF_STT_TLS
(package private)  ElfSymbolType[] TestElf.SymbolChecker.expectedSymbolTypes
private  ElfSymbolType ElfSymbol.type
private static ElfSymbolType[] ElfSymbolType.types

Methods in lib.dwfl that return ElfSymbolType
 ElfSymbolType ElfSymbol.getType()
          Return the symbol type.
(package private) static ElfSymbolType ElfSymbolType.intern(int value)
          Given an integral value, answer associated ElfSymbolType object.

Methods in lib.dwfl with parameters of type ElfSymbolType
 void TestElf.SymbolChecker.symbol(long idx, String name, long value, long size, ElfSymbolType type, ElfSymbolBinding bind, ElfSymbolVisibility visibility, long shndx, List versions)
 void ElfSymbol.Builder.symbol(long index, String name, long value, long size, ElfSymbolType type, ElfSymbolBinding bind, ElfSymbolVisibility visibility, long shndx, List versions)
          Called for each symbol.
 void SymbolBuilder.symbol(String name, long value, long size, ElfSymbolType type, ElfSymbolBinding bind, ElfSymbolVisibility visibility, boolean defined)

Constructors in lib.dwfl with parameters of type ElfSymbolType
ElfSymbol(long address, long size, String name, ElfSymbolType type)