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RE: telling processor what to do

Hi Thiabek

> I have already asked this few days before but did not get response to
> this particular question as it was with another question.
> I want to put a <br />tag in the output where ever it occurs in the
> input but if they are just after  <a> tag or <li>tag or <br 
> /> tag like
> <a href="something">anchor</a><br/> or
> <li>item 1</li>
> <li>item 2</li>
> <li>item 3</li><br />or
> <br />
> <br />
> <br /> 
> I do not want to put them in output so i tried this
> <xsl:template match="br[not(preceding-sibling::node()[1][self::br])] |
> br[not(preceding-sibling::node()[1][self::a])] |
> br[not(preceding-sibling::node()[1][self::li])]">
> 	<br/>
> </xsl:template>
> But it is not should i write it.

It's not working because you're matching the union of 3 nodesets where if a
node isn't in one nodeset it must be all the others - you can have only one
direct precedent, and if it is <a> it can't be <br> or <li>.

Try this instead.

"br[not(preceding-sibling::node()[1][self::a] or


        [self::br or self::li or self::a])]

It would be better to do it the other way round and positively match these
<xsl:template match=""br[preceding-sibling::node()[1][self::br or self::li
or self::a]]">
	<!-- no br !! -->

<xsl:template match="br">

> And if i want to tell that if <br /> has it's parent body  then do not
> put <br /> in the output.
> What should i write.

<xsl:template match="body/br">
	<!-- no br !! -->

btw, people are less likely to answer your queries if your subject lines are
very vague, 
or histrionic.


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