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Re: XSL-parsing problem

Hi Niko,

> I have following XML-structure:
>   <includedValues>
>     <range>
>       <start>0</start>
>       <end>2</end>
>     </range>
>     <range>
>       <start>5</start>
>       <end>10</end>
>     </range>
>     <range>
>       <start>15</start>
>       <end>30</end>
>     </range>
>   </includedValues>
>   <answers>
>     <answer>2</answer>
>     <answer>2</answer>
>     <answer>3</answer>
>     <answer>6</answer>
>   </answers>
> Included values tells what answers are accepted. In this case
> answers 2 and 6 are accepted, but 3 is ignored. I would like to
> count accepted values to the web page with xsl. Can anyone tell me
> how to do that?
> I think I could do that by myself if there was only one range
> (something like
> "count(answers/answer[.&gt;=../../includedValues/range/start][.&lt;=../../in
> cludedValues/range/end])" might do it...) , but document has 0-n
> ranges.

Yes, you could use an XPath if you had a single range, but since there
are several of them you can't because it means you can't keep track of
the value of the answer that you're currently looking at.

Instead, you need to use XSLT. The simplest thing to do is to create a
string that contains a character for each of the correct answers, and
then get the length of that string. Something like:

  <xsl:variable name="ranges" select="includedValues/range" />
  <xsl:variable name="correct">
    <xsl:for-each select="answers/answer">
      <xsl:variable name="answer" select="." />
      <xsl:if test="$ranges[start &lt;= $answer and
                            $answer &lt;= end]">
  #Correct: <xsl:value-of select="string-length($correct)" />


With XPath 2.0, I think you'd be able to do it with:

  count( answers/answer
           [some $r in ../../includedValues/range
            satisfies ($r/start &lt;= . and . &lt;= $r/end)] )

as well as rather too many other ways.


Jeni Tennison

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