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RE: conditional copying of nodes?

I've got the copy working but how I can incorporate this into my sort? I am
trying to copy the existing <member> tree to <newmember> for the sorting.
Here's the XSL...

?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
  <xsl:include href="simple-page2html.xsl" />

<xsl:key name="contacts-by-group" match="newmember" use="group" />
<xsl:template match="teammembers">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="member"/>
	<xsl:for-each select="newmember[count(. | key('contacts-by-group',
group)[1]) = 1]">
		<xsl:sort select="group" />
....sorting code removed for brevity....

<xsl:template match="member">
  <xsl:for-each select="group">
      <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
	  <xsl:copy-of select="../name"/>
	  <xsl:copy-of select="../e_mail"/>
	  <xsl:copy-of select="../phone"/>


-----Original Message-----

How can I do conditional copying of nodes? For example, I have the following
XML snippet, with an individual being in one or many groups. I am doing a
Muenchian method sort, which works. (Thanks Jeni!) The problem is that I am
unable to put someone more than one group unless I physically duplicate
their record. In the example below, I would copy my name, e-mail and phone
twice; once using the <group> of "Core Group" and once using "Steering

	<member contact="yes">
	    <group>Core Team</group>
	    <group>Steering Committee</group>
	<member contact="yes">
	    <group>Core Team</group>


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