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Re: How to sort this xml out

Hi Sri,

> I want to sort all the replies which previousID == a messageID and
> to group them under an tag called <content>

The first thing is that you need to be able to quickly jump from a
Message id to the Reply elements that have that Message as a parent.
So you want to index the Reply elements according to their parentID:

<xsl:key name="replies" match="Reply" use="parentID" />

Within the Main-matching template, you want to only apply templates to
the Message elements, not to the Reply elements:

<xsl:template match="Main">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="Message" />

Within the Message-matching template, you need to check whether the
Message has any replies or not, and do the appropriate thing as a
result of that check.  You can get the replies to the message using
the key that you've set up.

<xsl:template match="Message">
   <!-- retrieve the replies to the message -->
   <xsl:variable name="replies" select="key('replies', id)" />
      <!-- if there are any... -->
      <xsl:when test="$replies">
         <!-- ...create a Content element... -->
            <!-- ...copy in the content of this Message... -->
            <xsl:copy-of select="*" />
            <!-- ...and add the content of the replies... -->
            <xsl:copy-of select="$replies/*" />
         <!-- otherwise, copy the whole message -->
         <xsl:copy-of select="." />

I hope that helps,


Jeni Tennison

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