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Re: Moving on, 1 to 1.1 writes:
 > 1. Once you have a processor you can trust, start all new stylesheets using
 > 1.1 version?

you don't have to. only the stylesheet which uses 1.1 needs to declare
it as such. so you can have a 1.0 which imports a 1.1, and it
does what is expected

 > 4. When a 1.1 processor is available, convert all old stylesheets from
 >    1.0 to 1.1?
 > Has anyone actually started to plan for this?

in practice, how many problems can you see? i find 3

 - use of the output splitting. thats easy to pin down and isolate
 - use of odd bits of Java extension. thats going to need some careful
   work, but how widespread is it?
 - the real one is seeing whether some bits of the stylesheet can now
   be rewritten more elegantly using (what was) node-set(). that, I
   think, is not so easy

surely it depends how carefully you have written your stylesheets? I
have always tried, for `public' stylesheets, to NOT use extensions,
and keep my usage of them to non-public, non-production occasions.


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