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Re: sorting nodes in reverse document order


>Thanks for your suggestions.  The <xsl:template match="CLASS"
>rule that you suggested seems to select the parent (@SUPERCLASS) of each
>element in the XML source tree.  

That's right.  It generates details for its parent before it prints out
details of itself.  Because it's recursive, generating details of the
parent, in turn generates details of *its* parent, and its parent, and so
on, walking up the hierarchy.  That means that the details of the nodes are
outputted in the right order, with the one at the top of the hierarchy
first and the class we're currently talking about last.

>What I want to do is match each CLASS, output some CLASS data, then print
>ancestors for the matched class (not all classes in the hierarchy). The 
>following code does output the ancestors for each class, but in document
>I need to output the ancestors in reverse document order.

[Just to be clear - I think you mean that you want to output the ancestors
in reverse hierarchy order rather than 'reverse document order' - the
classes might be arranged in a hierarchy within a document, or they might
not.  The method that I'm proposing doesn't rely on any particular order
for the classes within the original XML document.]

OK, looking again, you can do it with a named template in the same way as
with the template mode by adding the (recursive) details of the parent
*before* the details of the child.  Your code becomes:

<xsl:template match="CLASS">
 outputs some class data
<h2>Class Hierarchy</h2>
<!-- Call hierarchy template to output ancestors of this class -->
<xsl:call-template name="hierarchy"/>

<!-- named template to do the hierarchy tracing -->
<xsl:template name="hierarchy">
<!-- xsl:param must be first thing in template, not embedded within xsl:if -->
<xsl:param name="parentname" select="@SUPERCLASS"/>
<!-- parent details first (recursively) -->
<xsl:if test="@SUPERCLASS">
  <xsl:for-each select="//CLASS[@NAME=$parentname]">
       <xsl:call-template name="hierarchy"/>
<!-- then child details -->
<br data="{@NAME} -- {@SUPERCLASS}"><a href="{@NAME}.html"><xsl:value-of

As I said before, if the XSL processor you're using supports them, it would
be more efficient to use keys to find the superclasses than searching each
time using //CLASS[@NAME=$parentname].

Also below is a full example that I think achieves what you want to achieve
using xsl:apply-templates and modes instead.  I prefer it that way, but I
think it's only a matter of taste.

I may be misunderstanding what you actually want, though - perhaps it would
help if you gave more details about what you're trying to do (i.e. show a
sample input and output) and the XSLT processor you're using.



INPUT: test.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml:stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="test.xsl"?>
  <CLASS NAME="animal"/>
  <CLASS NAME="mammal" SUPERCLASS="animal"/>
  <CLASS NAME="canine" SUPERCLASS="mammal"/>
  <CLASS NAME="dog" SUPERCLASS="canine"/>
  <CLASS NAME="wolf" SUPERCLASS="canine"/>
  <CLASS NAME="feline" SUPERCLASS="mammal"/>
  <CLASS NAME="cat" SUPERCLASS="feline"/>
STYLESHEET: test.xsl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

<xsl:key name="classes" match="CLASS" use="@NAME"/>

<xsl:template match="SCHEMA">
      <title>A Hierarchy</title>
      <h1>A Hierarchy</h1>
      <!-- applies templates in document order -->

<xsl:template match="CLASS">
  <!-- outputs some information about the class -->
  <h2><xsl:value-of select="@NAME"/></h2>
  <p>...more information about the class...</p>
  <h3>Class Hierarchy</h3>
  <!-- applies hierarchy template to itself -->
  <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="hierarchy"/>

<xsl:template match="CLASS" mode="hierarchy">
  <!-- applies hierarchy template to the parent of the current class -->
  <xsl:apply-templates select="key('classes', @SUPERCLASS)" mode="hierarchy"/>
  <!-- outputs details about the current class -->
  <br data="{@NAME} -- {@SUPERCLASS}">
    <a href="{@NAME}.html">
      <xsl:value-of select="@NAME"/>

OUTPUT (from Instant SAXON)
<html xmlns:fo="">
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
      <title>A Hierarchy</title>
      <h1>A Hierarchy</h1>
      <p>...more information about the class...</p>
      <h3>Class Hierarchy</h3><br data="animal -- "><a
      <p>...more information about the class...</p>
      <h3>Class Hierarchy</h3><br data="animal -- "><a
href="animal.html">animal</a><br data="mammal -- animal"><a
      <p>...more information about the class...</p>
      <h3>Class Hierarchy</h3><br data="animal -- "><a
href="animal.html">animal</a><br data="mammal -- animal"><a
href="mammal.html">mammal</a><br data="canine -- mammal"><a
      <p>...more information about the class...</p>
      <h3>Class Hierarchy</h3><br data="animal -- "><a
href="animal.html">animal</a><br data="mammal -- animal"><a
href="mammal.html">mammal</a><br data="canine -- mammal"><a
href="canine.html">canine</a><br data="dog -- canine"><a
      <p>...more information about the class...</p>
      <h3>Class Hierarchy</h3><br data="animal -- "><a
href="animal.html">animal</a><br data="mammal -- animal"><a
href="mammal.html">mammal</a><br data="canine -- mammal"><a
href="canine.html">canine</a><br data="wolf -- canine"><a
      <p>...more information about the class...</p>
      <h3>Class Hierarchy</h3><br data="animal -- "><a
href="animal.html">animal</a><br data="mammal -- animal"><a
href="mammal.html">mammal</a><br data="feline -- mammal"><a
      <p>...more information about the class...</p>
      <h3>Class Hierarchy</h3><br data="animal -- "><a
href="animal.html">animal</a><br data="mammal -- animal"><a
href="mammal.html">mammal</a><br data="feline -- mammal"><a
href="feline.html">feline</a><br data="cat -- feline"><a

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