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Re: IMFApp Office

>> In fact, the 32x32 view is really 44x48, to accomodate the special big
>> images. And the 16x16 view is really 24x26. And so on.
>I see. It did seem that the display boxes were rather larger than the
>32x32 images being displayed in them. Since this is the case, shouldn't
>the "View" menu display sizes be listed as "44x48", "24x26", etc...?

Perhaps. The big images started out as a oversized variants for some games
that I wrote, so I kept the old labels. But since the oversized images are
becoming more and more popular, maybe one should regard them as the
standard at some point.

>> Well, that is how the Selected as Terrain is supposed to work, i.e. to draw
>> all units agains the selected image as background. The closeups are not
>> supposed to be affected. Naturally, it will look strange if you select a
>> unit image as terrain, but the program does it anyway.
>OK. Fair enough. However, the image that I did this with was one of the
>44x44 heroes from 'fantasy.imf'. Shouldn't the other images have been
>aligned precisely over it, since it is terrain-sized?

Not necessarily. The background (terrain) is drawn using 32x32 tiles that
fit snugly together, just as if the background was a map. You will notice
that if a 44x48 image is used as a tile, it is trimmed to 32x32 size first.

Now, individual unit images in IMFApp are positioned in a way that bears no
relationship to the background tiles. The program just checks how wide the
window is, and then computes how many columns it can squeeze in. Therefore,
if you resize the window by a small amount (not enough to change the number
of columns) you will find that the unit images move, while the background
tiles stay the same.


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