HW requirements

Feneric Brown feneric@saugus.net
Sun Jan 11 16:48:00 GMT 2004

> How many people use VT100 any more?

You'd be surprised.  I do the maintenance at a company that provides a 
number of shell accounts to customers.  The users typically fall into 
one or more of the following groups:

1.  Sophisticated users / designers who want a decent UNIX-like 
environment with fairly up-to-date tools without having to maintain it 
or handle the updating themselves;

2.  Users who are blind and have all output redirected through either a 
reader box or a Braille hand reader;

3.  Users who are opposed to the upgrade cycle and who (often for 
philosophical as well as financial reasons) have chosen to freeze their 
hardware at a certain level that handles their own requirements (the 
C128 is popular, but there are other makes & models  that are also 

4.  Sophisticated users who choose to route all their e-mail through a 
system including combinations of things like Procmail, SpamAssassin, 
JunkFilter, TMDA, Pine, Mutt, etc. in order to largely sidestep the 
issues of spam and virii that so plague the modern world.

We maintain a bunch of games on the system, and I'd have to say that 
Cconq (the VT100 version of Xconq) remains one of the most popular, 
right up there with NetHack and the various IF titles.
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