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Re: How to fix the xconq network code

On 11 Feb, Bruno Boettcher wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 11, 2002 at 07:33:48AM -0500, wrote:
>> Wel, as long as you're rewriting the code, you could rewrite it in Tcl and
> uhm what's so great about tcl (besides beeing a new language to learn)?

Plenty, but in this case, the socket code can be much shorter to write and
maintain than a C version. Here is a simple server:

 # \ 
 exec tclsh "$0" "$@" 
 proc serveConnection {Handle} { 
     set LineLength [gets $Handle Line] 
     if {$LineLength>=0} { 
         #This is where you finally can do something with the data.  
         #We simply put it back where it came from.  
         puts $Handle "Received: $Line"; flush $Handle 
     } elseif {[eof $Handle]} { 
         catch {close $Handle} 
 proc acceptConnections {ConnectionFileHandle ClientAddress ClientPort} { 
     fconfigure $ConnectionFileHandle -blocking 0 
     fileevent $ConnectionFileHandle readable [list \ 
             catch [list serveConnection $ConnectionFileHandle]] 
 socket -server acceptConnections 2000 
 vwait Dummyvariable 

And a sample client:

 # \ 
 exec tclsh "$0" "$@" 
 set Handle [socket localhost 2000] 
 puts -nonewline $Handle "Hello"; flush $Handle 
 puts $Handle " Dolly"; flush $Handle 
 puts [gets $Handle] 
 close $Handle 

I know some of the client (GUI) code is already written in tcl. It can
possibly be integrated there (for Unix, anyway -- I'm not sure whre the Tcl
code is used).

If you define the proper protocol, though, it could be used anywhere. But
then, you *do* have dependency on Tcl on all platforms -- I'm not sure that
is currently the case.

Disclaimer: I'm a Tcl advocate.

Laurent Duperval <>

Les lapins doivent fourmiller ici comme les idées dans la tête du chef! De
quoi mourir de faim!
                                                -Kid Ordinn

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