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key handling gets hosed

I just got xconq into a state in which it basically wasn't accepting
keypresses.  I still could save my game from the menu, fortunately.
But smaller fixes, like using the mouse to switch to survey mode,
didn't fix keypress handling.

What triggered this?  Seemed to be pressing the "b" key a few times in
rapid succession although I'm not sure I'd swear to that.  I looked at
the stack trace offered by the popup box, and it was hitting the
following case in tcltk/tkconq.tcl (handle_key_binding):

    #    if { ! [ info exists $map_number($win) ] } {
    #    low_notify "Weirdness in handle_key_binding for $win, ignoring
    #    key"
    #    return;
    #    }

(Well, or would have been if it weren't commented out).

Not really sure whether I could reproduce this on demand, but I
thought I should report it.  This is xconq updated from CVS sometime
within the last week or so.

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