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Re: Game customization

> Another reason why independent units should be handled in the kernel;
> the mplayer code isn't designed to make its units fight each other.
BTW why not?

> Yes, there is a side mask that is an integer.  It could be turned into a
> small array or struct, but there are many iterations over sides that
> assume there are only a few sides in a game.
since machine get more and more powerful, is such a limitation still useful?

> The tricky part is to set the motivations correctly.  Each barbarian
> horde should consist of a number of mobile units, some with a
> relatively high rate of construction, and all with stacking limits,
> representing grazing requirements.  One could also make some kinds of
> terrain result in slow starvation, while others are healthier.  So
migration also was the result of populations growing and thus exceeding the
terrain capabilities...

> population pressure forces the barbarians to spread out while looking
> for good places to live.  Because they're on sides, each horde can
> spread out in a semi-organized fashion, contending either with each
> other or with Romans, whoever is in the way.  You could have different
> unit types to get different speeds and "fiercenesses" of hordes.
fine idea :)

> Although it would be amusing to introduce some sort of random side
> generation during a game, it's probably not necessary; 30 barbarian
> hordes, each with from 10-100 units, would be quite a handful for even
> the best Roman general.  It would be especially nasty if the
> barbarians got combat experience bonuses from fighting, so just
> waiting for them to trash each other would be a losing strategy...
yeah quite realistic solution

ciao bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing....

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