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Question about java probe

Hi, There:

I have bunch of questions about java probe. The stap I'm using is built from the most recent release without any special flags.Tons thanks in advance for the help!

Q1: I find an example here:

The statement 'printf("hit ... %d\n", $arg1)' print a wrong value. However, if I change this statement to 'printf("hit ... %s\n", arg1)', then it works. Why so?

Q2: follow the example in Q1. What if the function being probed has a non-primitive typed parameter. Say argument foo of type Foo. Is it possible to access foo's data member, or call its member function.

Q3: Look like print_java_stack() only prints the stack of the thread in question; It does *not* print all threads' stack. Am I right?

Q4: How to print java stack when a system call is hit? I try to call print_java_stack() inside system call probe function, and get nothing. Should I call other function? Or it's impossible for now? If this is the case, is it possible to hack the systemtap to take advantage of the perf-jit support ( to print the java stack of JIT-ed code?



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