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Re: Some newbie questions

On 08/09/2016 01:51 AM, Avi Kivity wrote:
> On 08/08/2016 05:58 PM, David Smith wrote:
>>> 2. Inlined functions
>>>  From the manual pages, it seems that inlined functions can be probed
>>> (minus the .return probe), but I just get an error:
>>> semantic error: while resolving probe point: identifier 'process' at
>>> script/home/avi/seastar/debug/task-latency.stap:3:7
>>>          source: probe
>>> process("scylla").function("reactor::run_tasks()") {
>>>                        ^
>>> semantic error: no match (similar functions:
>>> _ZN7reactor14run_exit_tasksEv, statfs, dup, mkdir, ntohs)
>> We're at the mercy of the compiler and the quality of the debuginfo it
>> produces here when looking for inlined functions.
>> If you want to investigate further here, you'll need to do the following:
>> # eu-readelf -N --debug-dump=info scylla > scylla.log
>> In scylla.log, look and see if you can find a subprogram with the name
>> of the function you are interested in.
>  [1417f4]      subprogram
>                external             (flag_present) Yes
>                name                 (strp) "run_tasks"
>                decl_file            (data1) 5
>                decl_line            (data2) 812
>                linkage_name         (strp)
> "_ZN7reactor9run_tasksER15circular_bufferISt10unique_ptrI4taskSt14default_deleteIS2_EESaIS5_EE"
>                declaration          (flag_present) Yes
>                object_pointer       (ref4) [141808]
>                sibling              (ref4) [141813]
>  [141808]        formal_parameter
>                  type                 (ref4) [1423bd]
>                  artificial           (flag_present) Yes
>  [14180d]        formal_parameter
>                  type                 (ref4) [14a8a8]

According to the above, that function isn't inlined. You might just try
the following to see what functions stap can see:

# stap -l 'process("scylla").function("*")' | grep run_tasks

> The debugger has no trouble setting breakpoints on the function or
> showing it in backtraces.  In any case I sprinkled some static probes
> there.
>>> 3. Process CPU timers
>>> (more of a feature request)
>>> I'm trying to find causes of latency in my program.  To do that, I'm
>>> running a periodic timer and checking whether a function takes more time
>>> than some threshold.
>>> Ideally, I'd be able to arm the timer on the function entry point and
>>> disarm it on exit, rather than have it run continuously; this would need
>>> to be a per-thread cpu-time timer (e.g. CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID)/
>>> Here's my current script for reference ("running" and "start_time" need
>>> to become maps for it to be thread-safe):
>>> #!/usr/bin/stap
>>> global start_time
>>> global running
>>> probe begin {
>>>      running = 0
>>> }
>>> probe
>>> process("/home/avi/urchin/build/release/scylla").mark("reactor_run_tasks_start")
>>> {
>>>      start_time = gettimeofday_us()
>>>      running = 1
>>> }
>>> probe
>>> process("/home/avi/urchin/build/release/scylla").mark("reactor_run_tasks_end")
>>> {
>>>      running = 0
>>> }
>>> probe {
>>>      now = gettimeofday_us()
>>>      if (running && (now - start_time) > 30000) {
>>>          printf("detected tasks running for >30ms\n")
>>>          print_usyms(ubacktrace())
>>>      }
>>> }
>>> I'd appreciate any tips as to whether there's a better way to do this.
>> The above isn't really going to work well, for several reasons:
>> 1) You've only got one global 'start_time' and 'running' variables. If
>> scylla is multithreaded or more than one instance is running, that isn't
>> going to work.
>> To fix this, you'd want to do convert them to arrays and index them by
>> thread ids, like this:
>>      start_time[tid()] = gettimeofday_us()
> Yes, I found that out and my latest version works like this, but I ran
> into severe scaling issues.
> I also switched to timer.profile.  What's its resolution on normal
> machines?

timer.profile probe resolution is CONFIG_HZ. Check your kernel config
and see "man stapprobes" for more details.

David Smith
Red Hat
256.217.0141 (direct)
256.837.0057 (fax)

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