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Forw: [ahoole at islandnet dot com: Accessing a va_list element from a probe]

From: "Alexander M. Hoole" <>
Subject: Accessing a va_list element from a probe
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2014 11:50:39 -0800


I was wondering if you have ever attempted to access a va_list from a probe
in user-space.  I can access the arguments; however, I'm presently puzzled
as to how to elegantly access the individual items of the va_list.  For
example, if we setup a probe as follows:


probe process("/lib64/").function("printf")


printf("\tPID=%d, CMD=%s\n",pid(),execname())

            printf("\tArgs: %s\n", $$parms) 

            printf("\tArg[1]: %s\n", user_string($format))

            printf("\tArg[2]: %p\n", $arg)




According to stap -L we have the following arguments available:


# stap -L 'process("/lib64/").function("printf")'

.17-c758a686/stdio-common/printf.c:28") $format:char const* $arg:va_list



If a program were to call something like the following:


printf("Person %s is %d years old\n", name, age);



Do you have any ideas how I could access name and age?


Any assistance would be appreciated.




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