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terminology bugs

I've noticed grammatical errors in the messages issued by stap:

1)  the term "probe point" should be specified as "probepoint". It's a
coined term that co-incides with usages such as tracepoint and logpoint and
has been extensively in prior dprobes and kprobes documentation.

2) the plural form of nouns that are preceded by a number should not be
specified as (s)  as in "3 error(s)". This is an illiterate usage. The
plural form is generic and suffices for all cases of zero to infinity; the
singular for is specifically for the case of one. It's not wrong to say "1
errors" in the context of a generalized statement; but it is wrong to say
"2 error". There is a practical reason for not using "error(s)" and this
when one applies internationalization to messages and the plural declension
doesn't operate in the same way. Likewise, if an English plural form is
irregular e.g. "feet" then the bracket shorthand doesn't work, e.g. "2
f(ee/oo)t". If one really wants to use the singular form then the entire
word should be replaced. (The same comment applies to the usage "and/or" -
there's no need for it).

Bugzilla 2308 created to address this.
- -
Richard J Moore
IBM Advanced Linux Response Team - Linux Technology Centre
MOBEX: 264807; Mobile (+44) (0)7739-875237
Office: (+44) (0)1962-817072

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