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Re: request to add additional runtime path

----- Original Message ----- 
> Can you describe the nature of this C code?  Is it not suitable for
> inclusion directly into a %{ %} block in your custom tapset?
> - FChE

One example is that I want to use some macros inside the embedded c 
functions in my stp files:
function foo1()
    _stp_printf("%d, %d...", EVENTID_1, HOOKID_2, ...);

such macros appear almost in every stp files, so it's better to 
include a .h file in each stp file:
#include "macro_defs.h"

But the problem is that if macro_defs.h is put into the place other 
than /usr/local/share/systemTap/runtime, stap can't find it.

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