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Re: architecture paper draft

Chen, Brad wrote:

Maybe Bart and Michael can explain more about how they collected these numbers. I don't believe there is a paper
to cite.

Brad is correct, there is no paper that contains this information, as we just collected the numbers last week.

The method used to collect the numbers was fairly straightforward. We constructed a kernel module function that looked like the following:

unsigned long long start = 0, stop = 0, total = 0;
unsigned exec_count = 1000;
unsigned i = 0;
for(; i < exec_count; i++) {
#if 1 /* profile traps */
__asm__ __volatile__ ("addb $0, %%al\n" :
/*no inputs*/ :
/*no outputs*/);
#else /* profile branches */
__asm__ __volatile__ ("addl $0x10000000, %%eax\n" :
/*no inputs*/ :
/*no outputs*/);
total += stop - start;
printk(KERN_INFO "kerninst: benchmark_instrumentation - total cycles at inst point is %lld for %d executions\n", total, exec_count);

We instrumented the add instruction using kerninst with "null instrumentation code", which contains a save/restore of all GPRs and EFLAGS, the relocated add, and a direct jump to the instruction following the add. Kerninst determines whether to use a branch or trap from the size of the instruction (the addb is 2bytes, the addl is 5bytes). In the trap case, kerninst supplies its own int3 handler (similar to the kprobes approach) that hashes the trapping instruction address to locate the instrumentation code patch in the kernel.

The function was then invoked via an ioctl once a second over a period of 20 seconds. We grabbed the output from the system log, threw out the 2 highest and 2 lowest totals for 1000 executions, and calculated the average cycles per execution.

Michael J. Brim
Graduate Research Asst.
UW Computer Science Dept.
Rm. 7355, (608)262-6227

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