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Re: Loading image-file in SID.

Hi -

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 11:13:29PM +0530, Deaf Beed wrote:
> [...]
> However, once the prints have executed, the control passes to, I
> think, the OS idle loop and the simulation does not exit on its own. I
> have to stop it. Is there a way to make the simulation exit/finish on
> its own? maybe by programming some sid simulation component.

The software needs to decide how it wishes to signal its own
termination, then some piece of sid configuration needs to map that to
a signal to the cfgroot stop! pin.  

If the sw-gloss* is not used, nor is gdb, then you could jury-rig what
is in effect a breakpoint using triggerpoints (connect the
watch:pc:value:0xsomething pseudo-pin on the cpu to the cfgroot

Or you could wire up a virtual device such as hw-glue-probe-bus into
the bus mapper tree at some particular address, then poke at that
address from the arm software code.

- FChE

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