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Re: [COMMITTED] hppa: Update libm-test-ulps.

On 05/15/2013 04:59 PM, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
> On Wed, 15 May 2013, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
>> It's not *new* here, but ulps for ceil, floor, rint, round, trunc indicate 
>> you've got bugs in those functions for long double; they shouldn't have 
>> any ulps at all.  And the ulps for llrint, llround also shouldn't be 
>> there, and include negative values, which should never happen even when 
>> the functions are buggy.
> In fact, why are these tests being run for long double at all - why are 
> there any long double ulps (presuming you truncated the file and 
> regenerated from scratch, as you should at least once per release cycle)?  

I've never regenerated from scratch. We have not recommended that in
Regeneration or the release process. I always regenerate incrementally
from the existing file. Though I see your point that we should probably
make this mandatory.

> You have long-double-fcts = no in your makefile.  Contradicting that, you 
> have #undef __NO_LONG_DOUBLE_MATH in ports/sysdeps/hppa/fpu/bits/mathdef.h 
> - if you really have long double same as double, that should be defined to 
> 1, not undefined.  I'm not sure the combination of long-double-fcts = no 
> with #undef __NO_LONG_DOUBLE_MATH is expected to do anything sensible.

Then that's a bug. We want to have long double the same as double.

> (However, I'd consider it inadvisable to fix the __NO_LONG_DOUBLE_MATH 
> definition before you've set up ABI test baselines for hppa and verified 
> them against old binaries of old releases - that sort of change has 
> significant risk of causing unintended changes to symbols in past ABI 
> versions.)



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