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Re: [PATCH v2 0/10] Tilera (and Linux asm-generic) support for glibc

On 15/11/11 17:44, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
> Thanks, I'll have a look at those.  I see IHI0055A_aapcs64.pdf, 
> IHI0056A_aaelf64.pdf, IHI0057A_aadwarf64.pdf, IHI0059A_cppabi64.pdf - is 
> it expected analogues to the other parts of the 32-bit ABI will be 
> released when ready, or are they all included in those four documents?

I doubt that all of the documents will get analogues in the 64-bit
space; the world has moved on somewhat from where we were 8 years ago
when the 32-bit ABI doc set was defined.

Please also note that the documents are likely to undergo revision for a
while yet, so it's worth checking back regularly for updates.


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