libc-locales archive
author index for January - March, 2007

This is the mail archive of the mailing list for the GNU libc locales project.

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aurelien at aurel32 dot net

Ben Asselstine

cvs-commit at gcc dot gnu dot org

danielcristian at gmail dot com

Danilo Segan

drepper at redhat dot com

dulmandakh at gmail dot com

ed dot trager at gmail dot com

Ed Trager

edi at gmx dot de

edurbs at gmail dot com

egmont at uhulinux dot hu

fundawang at gmail dot com

green at msu dot ru


ihar dot hrachyshka at gmail dot com

inkerman42 at gmail dot com

jakub at redhat dot com

jamil at bengalinux dot org

jlp dot bugs at gmail dot com

john at cellform dot com

Jonathan D. Proulx

Keld Jørn Simonsen

keld at dkuug dot dk

lustik at arcor dot de

masudmails at yahoo dot com

nshmyrev at yandex dot ru

pablo at mandriva dot com

pablo at walon dot org

pasky at suse dot cz

pere at hungry dot com

Petter Reinholdtsen

stlman at poczta dot fm

tatar dot iqtelif dot i18n at gmail dot com

victor dot ashirov at gmail dot com

walter dot php at gmail dot com

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