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How to build Debug version of glibc

Hi everyone, I'm new to this mailing list. Happy to see this mailing list for helping average glibc users, There wasn't such a list one year before, was it?

As I know, most, if not all, Linux distributions ship with Release version of glibc, so I can not debug into the libc dll. I tried it with KDbg in SuSE Linux 10.1, so I know this.

Now I wish to build a Debug version of glibc myself, but the INSTALL file in glibc's source archive says almost nothing about "building a debug version". Can any glibc guru here tell me the correct way to:

1. Build a debug version and install it on a existing Linux system.
2.When calling gcc to link an executable, e.g. `` gcc -o hello hello.o '' , How to make gcc link that debug version of glibc to hello.

Some more questions I'm interested:

1. For glibc developers themselves, do they build debug versions of glibc?
2. If they do, how do they debug it, use command line gdb, or a GUI frontend of gdb? If later, which do they use?

Thanks in advance.

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