One serious bug in glibc 2.0/2.1

Andreas Schwab
Fri Aug 7 04:10:00 GMT 1998 (H.J. Lu) writes:

|> Hi,
|> There is one serious bug in glibc 2.0/2.1 in dealing with system
|> calls. glibc assumes system calls returns int. That may be true on
|> x86. But it is not always true on alpha where int is 4 byte and
|> long is 8 byte. Some system calls return long instead of int. Those
|> system calls are those which return offset or address. At least, lseek
|> is not handled right on alpha. Return -1 as long turns into -1 as int
|> which is 0xffffffff in long. We should go over all those system calls
|> and fix them.

Isn't it the resposibility of the PSEUDO macro in sysdep.h to get things
right?  On m68k where pointers are returned in %a0 instead of %d0 this
works ok.  I don't see where the return type of int is hardcoded, except
in syscall(), but that is unreliable anyway.

Andreas Schwab                                      "And now for something              completely different"

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