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Re: What to do about gnulib libio dependencies?

On 08/21/2018 03:18 PM, Zack Weinberg wrote:
Well, the question in my mind is, how much harm will it be?  I don't
see how we can assess the tradeoff between consequences for external
applications and increased maintenance burden for us, without knowing
how important these APIs are to external applications.  I would also
want to dig into just how invasive of libio internals these APIs
actually are.  If they're like the stuff in stdio_ext.h, that's not a
big deal, but if they involve messing with vtables or forcing us to
preserve the C++-stream distinction between put and get pointers or
something on that level, that would be much more of a problem, IMO.

Going by the source files are included in the debuginfo data (that is, actually compiled and linked in), I see the following packages using fseterr:


freadahead is used by:


coreutils also uses freadptr and freadseek.

I do not see any use of fbufmode.

fpurge is also used fairly widely (bash, lftp, libbsd, libexplain, libprelude, libvirt, oath-toolkit), but we already provide __fpurge, and the gnulib implementation of fpurge should simply wrap our __fpurge.

fseterr looks pretty harmless to support. freadahead and freadptr are problematic for wide-oriented streams, but we have ABI exposure for the read pointers already for the inline copy of fputc_unlocked. The only caveat is that for fputc_unlocked, we can provide compatibility by always having an empty read buffer (at a cost to performance). With the other interfaces, this might not be a possibility.


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