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Re: [PATCH] Revert Intel CET changes to __jmp_buf_tag (Bug 22743)

On Thu, 25 Jan 2018, Zack Weinberg wrote:

> Also, this incident demonstrates that we need better testing of our
> ABI backward compatibility guarantees.  Automation for taking all of
> the test binaries from glibc-2.x and running them against lib*.so from
> glibc-2.y (y > x), or something like that.  Probably Joseph is in the
> best position to know how hard that would be.

I'd suggest, in the 2.x build tree,

make check rtld-prefix=SOMETHING run-program-env=SOMETHING

where the SOMETHINGs are appropriately defined to use the build or install 
trees of 2.y.  There are probably reasons that doesn't work for some or 
all tests (apart from deliberate changes in glibc that required testsuite 
changes but weren't considered to require new symbol versions) - but that 
should be the basic idea of how to test binaries using a newer glibc 
version at runtime.

(We can make changes to glibc to make that sort of thing easier if it 
turns out such changes would help, but still want to be able to do it when 
x, the old version, is a glibc version without those changes.)

Joseph S. Myers

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