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Re: [RFC PATCH 00/52] Make GLIBC Y2038-proof

On Fri, 8 Sep 2017, Albert ARIBAUD wrote:

> Regarding whether the patches should land only once the kernel is
> Y0238-safe: these patches are intended to run even on a current and thus
> completely Y2038-unsafe kernel, in which case they use 64-bit-time on
> user side (to make applications compiled with _TIME_BITS==64 happy at
> least until Y2038 happens) and 32-bit time on kernel side. So I don't
> see why these patches should wait for a Y2038-safe kernel per se.

Where the kernel layouts of structures are suitable for use by glibc, we'd 
like to avoid translation layers.  E.g., we need to know what the kernel's 
struct stat64 variant for 64-bit time_t will look like to ensure no 
translation layer is needed.  (If the answer is that statx is the 
interface that should be used for 64-bit times in struct stat so the 
kernel doesn't need to define such a stat64 variant, then the translation 
layer is needed anyway and we should maybe use the asm-generic 64-bit 
struct stat variant of the layout on all 32-bit platforms.)

Joseph S. Myers

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