Testing on hosts with firewalls

Florian Weimer fweimer@redhat.com
Thu Dec 29 12:53:00 GMT 2016

I'm finally porting my resolv tests, using and enhancing the support/ 
framework.  Unfortunately, I hit a major roadblock along the way: 
netfilter connection tracking.

resolv testing uses many short-lived UDP and TCP flows. It's not clear 
how to reduce the number of these flows.  For TCP, the TIME_WAIT state 
gets us (which is a bit silly for localhost traffic).  For UDP, we might 
slash the timeout by 1/6 if we change the stub resolver so that it never 
sends more than one query over one UDP socket.  This means that A/AAAA 
parallel queries need two flows instead of one, so the overall reduction 
in table load is 1/3.

But with a typical default netfilter table size of 64K entries, this 
will not really help all that much.

We could start fixing the test server ports.  The default dynamic port 
range includes 28232 ports.  This would mean that the number of flows 
per test server port would be bounded by that.  But the TIME_WAIT state 
will still conspire against us, I fear.

I will experiment with SO_LINGER, but I hesitate to set this option for 
the stub resolver.  Maybe we could do so for localhost only.

I would prefer if the resolv tests weren't xtests.  Can we require that 
the testing is done without a firewall connection tracking, or 
sufficiently large table sizes?


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