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Re: [RFC] malloc: a question about arena_get2()


On 2015/12/3 10:15, Xishi Qiu wrote:
> Hi,
> In function arena_get2(), I'm not quite understand the comment
> about the following code, why the underflow is OK?
A little bit background, we found 200-300M memory consumption
compare with our old system(glibc 2.11). After debugging, we
found that each process we created got one THP instead of 4k
page which is introduced by commit 41b81892f11f
("Handle ARENA_TEST correctly).
> "if (__builtin_expect (n <= narenas_limit - 1, 0))"
And this piece of code (glibc2.17) is as same as lastest glibc.
> I find v2.11 is "if (narenas < narenas_limit)".
> I do a simple test, and find the child thread will create a new
> heap when call malloc(), and v2.11 is not.
> v2.17:
> __libc_malloc()->arena_lock()->arena_get2()->_int_new_arena()->new_heap()
> then the return addr of malloc() is aligned to 2M, this will lead
> to alloc transparent page in kernel. So it consume more memory than v2.11
> (v2.11 is only 4kb)even user only malloc but not write/read the area.
Indeed, there is hundreds of threads in our system, it means that it takes
hundreds of Mega bytes memory after malloc.



> v2.11:
> public_mALLOc()->arena_lock()->arena_get2()->reused_arena()
> and public_mALLOc() will finally call sYSMALLOc()->mmap() syscall.
> so the return adddr is only aligned to 4kb.
> Here is my test code. Please use "gcc test.c -lpthread" to
> compile it.
> Thanks,
> Xishi Qiu
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <sys/stat.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <pthread.h>
> void *run_thr_adp( void *p )
> {
> 	int size = 5000*1000;
> 	char *test;
> 	printf("malloc start\n");
> 	test = (char *)malloc(size);
> 	if (test)
> 		printf("malloc success, start=0x%lx, end=0x%lx\n",
> 			test, test+size-1);
> 	printf("malloc end\n");
> 	sleep(600);
> 	return NULL;
> }
> void startThread( void ( *thr )( void* ) )
> {
>     pthread_t pid;
>     pthread_create( &pid, NULL, run_thr_adp, ( void* )thr );
> }
> int main()
> {
> 	int i;
> 	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
> 	{
> 		startThread(0);
> //		sleep(1);
> 	}
> 	sleep(1000);
> 	return 0;
> }

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