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Re: [PATCH v4] Implement strlcpy [BZ #178]

On Tue, Nov 03, 2015 at 06:50:40PM -0800, Paul Eggert wrote:
> Rich Felker wrote:
> >the fact that it's wrong is actually essential to
> >some usage patterns like using fgets to read files that may contain
> >embedded nuls.
> Thanks, that's a usage pattern I wasn't familiar with.  However,
> among other things the glibc manual explicitly says that fgets
> shouldn't be used in that situation, which suggests the ice is quite
> thin here.  So even if POSIX says what you are asserting (I haven't
> seen specific citations, so I'm still skeptical), as a practical
> matter applications should not assume that irrelevant bytes in
> output buffers are preserved.

Not even POSIX is needed for this; it's merely ISO C:

    "The fgets function reads at most one less than the number of
    characters specified by n from the stream pointed to by stream
    into the array pointed to by s. No additional characters are read
    after a new-line character (which is retained) or after
    end-of-file. A null character is written immediately after the
    last character read into the array."

n is merely a bound on the number of characters to be read; while the
buffer is usually at least n characters long, there's not even a
requirement that it need be; for situations where the application
controls the contents of a file, the behavior could be well-defined
even if the buffer is smaller than n.

> As far as strlcpy goes perhaps the manual should merely say that
> it's unspecified what happens to destination bytes after the
> trailing NUL.  We can always specify it later, should POSIX make
> things clear.  I doubt whether applications care much one way or
> another.

There's certainly existing code that relies on strcpy not clobbering
anything past the strlen(src)+1 bytes it writes. Naturally strcpy
_can't_ do this because it has no way of knowing the dest buffer size.
But to be able to use strlcpy as a safer drop-in replacement in such
code, it would need to preserve this property.


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