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Propose C Metaprogramming-based qsort as GNU extension

As part of my work on a paper on C Metaprogramming with gcc, I have implemented a sqort/insertion sort algorithm based off of the legacy glibc implementation (when msort is not used) who's performance far exceeds the current implementation. I have opened an enhancement bug here with details about this, and was told I need to talk to you guys.

In short, a basic benchmark shows an average performance increase 83% (16k of data, using element sizes from 1 to 8192 bytes). These are techniques that I appear to have invented in 2012; I haven't run into anybody else doing it just yet, but I hope it will catch on. Currently I only know this to work on GCC, but it may be possible that other compilers have enough support (in their extensions) to make it possible.

The basic theory of operation is that by exploiting -findirect-inline, and attributes always_inline & flatten (in some cases), we force the compiler to inline a larger function than would normally be considered beneficial -- this is where instantiation of the "pseudo-template function" (as I call it) occurs. In this way a more efficient sort function is generated, because we know at compile-time the exact size and alignment of data elements and we can inline the compar function. We can even decide if we'll be doing a direct or indirect sort at compile-time, tune stack size, etc. The code its self needs more cleanup to be ready to integrate into glibc, although the algorithm appears to now be quite efficient and error-free.

The main question is really where it belongs. The Boost project was started as a place for experimental libraries, many of which ended up in a later C++ standard. As I see it, a similar process must take place with C metaprograming, as it provides a powerful tool to improve performance in programs, libraries and system-level code. I thought that glibc might be a nice place for this because there are already so many extensions. This is slightly different however, because we aren't just providing new functions, but new metafunctions.

Either way, I would very much like this work to fall under the GNU umbrella if at all possible.


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