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Re: Add macros for diagnostic control, use them in locale/weightwc.h

On 11/18/2014 03:16 PM, Joseph Myers wrote:
the smallest granularity I expect to be reliable is that of whole statements in source files outside of macros (with the pragma calls on separate lines)

It appears that we've been thinking along parallel lines. I tried some of the tests that you evidently did, and found that GCC 4.9.2 doesn't work even then, in that the granularity isn't reliable even for whole statements, or even for whole functions. This is a regression from GCC 4.8. I filed a bug report here:

Disabling for the relevant block of source lines, on all architectures and for all GCC versions that support the relevant -W option, is a pragmatic choice

Yes, and I guess my point is that the pragmatic choice we've taken in Gnulib is to disable diagnostics at the top level, as GCC has too many bugs in this area for us to go on wild goose chases trying to fine-tune diagnostics in smaller areas. I'm skeptical whether it'll be worthwhile for glibc to chase those geese either, at least in the near future.

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