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Re: [PATCH] Update powerpc libm ULPs

On Thu, 11 Oct 2012, Andreas Schwab wrote:

> Failure: Real part of: clog10 (0x1.00000000000000123456789abcp0 + 0x1.23456789p-1000 i) == 4.285899851347756186652871946325962330640e-19 + 4.611541215247321502041995872887317363241e-302 i: Exception "Underflow" set
> Failure: Test: Imaginary part of: clog10 (0x1.00000000000000123456789abcp0 + 0x1.23456789p-1000 i) == 4.285899851347756186652871946325962330640e-19 + 4.611541215247321502041995872887317363241e-302 i
> Result:
>  is:          4.61154121524732158678e-302   0x1.f9fd5fef6543bd860600p-1002
>  should be:   4.61154121524732158678e-302   0x1.f9fd5fef6543bd620b00p-1002
>  difference:  4.55083866384372191841e-320   0x0.00000000023fb0000000p-1022
>  ulp       :  9211.0000
>  max.ulp   :  0.0000

The clog/clog10 failures for long double are bug 14610 (a bug in atan2l).  
I don't know about the others, but ldbl-128ibm fma is pretty broken anyway 
and it's probably reasonable to disable affected fma tests for it, if 
there aren't easy fixes, until we have Bruno Haible's gnulib 
implementation (bug 13304) in glibc to serve as a generic fallback (both 
for ldbl-128ibm, and for architectures without exceptions / rounding 

Joseph S. Myers

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