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Re: project branches in the glibc git repository

> Why is this necessary?  The move to git was done in part to allow
> peer-repositories and not a hierarchy.  Just putting it out there and
> references on a web page should be sufficient and in any way equal.

That is certainly true.  The benefits of using the sourceware repository
are two: for anyone who doesn't have another convenient git server to use
that is reliably up on the net, etc.; and having it show up obviously in
the canonical glibc gitweb view on sourceware.

A canonical page on the glibc wiki where people put pointers to their
derived repositories would serve much of the purpose of the latter (though
it seems likely that seeing the branches in the canonical gitweb will do
better to catch the attention of would-be contributors).

I think the burden on the glibc community to facilitate people putting
their branches on sourceware is small (and I'm doing the legwork so far).
I think any amount of benefit in the form of ease or perceived ease of
collaboration efforts that communicate directly with the whole glibc
hacking community, is significantly worthwhile to the project.


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