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Re: Problem with librt.a - correction

"Guilherme Vilela" <> wrote on 10/25/2007 12:23:14 PM:

> Hi,
> I'm making a simple program to calculate the cpu execution time of a
> process. I'm using the function clock_gettime like the line below:
> ...
> if (clock_gettime (CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID,  &gtt_wall) != 0)
> ...
> The problem only occur with the clock_id CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID. I'm
> using CentOS 4.2.
> When I compile my program with gcc using dynamic libraries (gcc -o
> test test.c -ltr) the function clock_gettime return 0 ("success"), but
> when I compile the program using static libraries (gcc -o test test.c
> -static -ltr) the function clock_gettime returns -1 ("Invalid
> argument").
> Anybody knows why using the probram works but using librt.a
> the program crashes?

Which GLIBC version and hardware?

Steven J. Munroe
Linux on Power Toolchain Architect
IBM Corporation, Linux Technology Center

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