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glibc stacking up to Windows

Greetings List,

Admittedly I am new to developing on Linux, but quickly I come to the conclusion that glibc has less functions available that Win32 offers. For Linux to have a shot against Windows, is there any serious development going on in terms of making glibc par with Win32 in terms of a diverse set of functions available?

Right now I am working in the filesystem area, and I find some major gaps. Simple things like it seems there is no glibc equiv for CopyFile(). Why? How is a program written in C expected to make a copy of a file on Linux? As well, nothing seems to do what GetFullPathName() does on Win32.

Now, obviously Linux has /bin/cp, which is GPL, so why not pull out the worker code of cp and come up with an equiv CopyFile() API... and once it is standard enough in glibc releases, point the executable cp to use the API in place of having the code directly in that program?

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

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