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collation bugs involving UNDEFINED in glibc (cvs 2 days ago), with illustrative app and commented output


The attached app illustrates several problems in glibc's handling
of implicit/explicit UNDEFINED entries in collation.  The problem(s)
may lie in the collation code, in localedef, or both.  See the
annotations in the comment header for details.


/* Illustration of glibc collation bugs involving UNDEFINED.
   Annotated output for glibc -- cvs Sep 10  14:37 CDT

Test strings:
    0: empty string
    1: <UFFFD>
    2: <U0061>
    3: <U0061><U0062>
    4: <U0061><UFFFD>
    5: <UFFFD>
    6: <U0030><UFFFD>
    7: <UFFFD><U0030>
    8: <U05C3><UFFFD>
    9: <UFFFD><U05C3>
   10: <U0001><UFFFD>
   11: <UFFFD><U0001>
   12: <U009F><UFFFD>
   13: <UFFFD><U009F>
   14: <U0001>
   15: <UFFFD>

locale: LC_CTYPE=th_TH.UTF-8  LC_COLLATE=th_TH.UTF-8
        order_start   forward;forward;forward;forward
  wcscoll((0),(1)) = -1 --- wscxfrm gives
    1:    1    1    7
  wcscoll((2),(3)) = -1 --- wscxfrm gives
    2:   40    1    2    1    2    1    5
    3:   40   41    1    2    2    1    2    2    1    5    5
  wcscoll((4),(5)) = 1 --- wscxfrm gives
    4:   40    1    2    1    2    7    1    5
    5:    1    1    7
  wcscoll((6),(7)) = -5 --- wscxfrm gives
    6:   36    1    2    1    2    7    1    2
    7:   36    1    2    1    7    2    1    2
  wcscoll((8),(9)) = 0 --- wscxfrm gives
    8:    1    1    7    7
    9:    1    1    7    7
  wcscoll((10),(11)) = 0 --- wscxfrm gives
   10:    1    1    7    7
   11:    1    1    7    7
  wcscoll((12),(13)) = 0 --- wscxfrm gives
   12:    1    1    7    7
   13:    1    1    7    7
  wcscoll((14),(15)) = 0 --- wscxfrm gives
   14:    1    1    7
   15:    1    1    7

BUG: (th_TH.UTF-8)
    Since <UFFFD> is undefined, it should be ignored at all weight levels
    in this locale as per the explicit definition of UNDEFINED.  Also, position
    is not specified for any weight level.  So with respect to collation,
    lines (0) and (1) should compare as equivilant.  The same is true for
    lines (6) and (7).

locale: LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8  LC_COLLATE=ja_JP.UTF-8
        explicit UNDEFINED entry as last entry
        order_start forward
  wcscoll((0),(1)) = -1 --- wscxfrm gives
    1:    2
  wcscoll((2),(3)) = -1 --- wscxfrm gives
    2:   63
    3:   63   64
  wcscoll((4),(5)) = 97 --- wscxfrm gives
    4:   63    2
    5:    2
  wcscoll((6),(7)) = 48 --- wscxfrm gives
    6:   32    2
    7:    2   32
  wcscoll((8),(9)) = 0 --- wscxfrm gives
    8:    2    2
    9:    2    2
  wcscoll((10),(11)) = 1 --- wscxfrm gives
   10:    3    2
   11:    2    3
  wcscoll((12),(13)) = 157 --- wscxfrm gives
   12:   9f    2
   13:    2   9f
  wcscoll((14),(15)) = 1 --- wscxfrm gives
   14:    3
   15:    2

BUG: (ja_JP.UTF-8)
    Since <UFFFD> is undefined and there is an explicit UNDEFINED as the last
    entry in the collation order, <UFFFD> should have a collation weight
    greater than that of any explictly weighted wchar.

locale: LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8  LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8
        no explicit UNDEFINED entry
  wcscoll((0),(1)) = -1 --- wscxfrm gives
    1:    1    1    1    1  154
  wcscoll((2),(3)) = -1 --- wscxfrm gives
    2:   2e    1   10    1    2
    3:   2e   2f    1   10   10    1    2    2
  wcscoll((4),(5)) = 1 --- wscxfrm gives
    4:   2e    1   10    1    2    1    2  154
    5:    1    1    1    1  154
  wcscoll((6),(7)) = 1 --- wscxfrm gives
    6:   24    1   10    1    2    1    2  154
    7:   24    1   10    1    2    1    1  154
  wcscoll((8),(9)) = -1 --- wscxfrm gives
    8:    1    1    1    1  153    1  154
    9:    1    1    1    1  154    1  153
  wcscoll((10),(11)) = 0 --- wscxfrm gives
   10:    1    1    1    1  154    1  154
   11:    1    1    1    1  154    1  154
  wcscoll((12),(13)) = 63 --- wscxfrm gives
   12:    1    1    1    1  193    1  154
   13:    1    1    1    1  154    1  193
  wcscoll((14),(15)) = 0 --- wscxfrm gives
   14:    1    1    1    1  154
   15:    1    1    1    1  154

BUG: (en_US.UTF-8 and probably any other iso14651_t derived locale)
    The implicit UNDEFINED entry is being treated as <U0001>.

    DTR 14652 (specificly n972-14652w25.pdf) specifies:
        If no "UNDEFINED" symbol is specified, and the current coded character
        set contains characters not specified in this clause, the utility
        issues a warning message and place such characters at the end of the
        character collation order.
    However, DTR 14652 does not specify what "order" would be in effect in
    this case.

    en_US simply copies iso14651_t to obtain its collation information.
    There is no definition of UNDEFINED in iso14651_t, and the last keyword
    is "order_end".

    1) What implicit definition is glibc using for UNDEFINED?
    2) What implicit ordering rule is glibc using for UNDEFINED?

    Through trial and error (line 8-13), we discover that glibc is apparently
    treating the implicit UNDEFINED as <U0001>!



#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <assert.h>

static const wchar_t * lines[] = {
    L"",                        /* 0 */
    L"a",                       /* 2 */
    L"a\xFFFD",                 /* 4 */
    L"\x0030\xFFFD",            /* 6 */
    L"\x05C3\xFFFD",            /* 8 */
    L"\x0001\xFFFD",            /* 10 */
    L"\x009F\xFFFD",            /* 12 */
    L"\x0001",                  /* 14 */

static const char *locales[] = {
    "order_start   forward;forward;forward;forward",
    "explicit UNDEFINED entry as last entry",
    "order_start forward",
    "no explicit UNDEFINED entry",

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    wchar_t buf1[1024];
    size_t r;
    int j, i, retval;
    const wchar_t **line;
    const wchar_t *p;
    char *lctype;
    char *lcollate;
    retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;

    if (!setlocale(LC_CTYPE,"en_US.UTF-8")) {
        fprintf(stderr, "setlocale failed\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    wprintf(L"\nTest strings:\n");

    for (line = lines ; *line ; ++line) {
        wprintf(L"%5d: ", (int)(line - lines));
        if (!**line) {
            wprintf(L"empty string");
        } else {
            for (p=*line, j=6 ; *p ; p++) {
                if (j >= 68) {
                    wprintf(L"\n      ");
                    j = 6;
                if (((unsigned long) *p) <= 0xffffUL) {
                    wprintf(L"<U%04X>", (unsigned long) *p);
                    j += 7;
                } else {
                    wprintf(L"<U%08X>", (unsigned long) *p);
                    j += 11;

    for (i=0 ; locales[i] ; i++) {

        if (!(lctype = setlocale(LC_CTYPE,locales[i]))) {
            fprintf(stderr, "setlocale failed\n");
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        if (!(lcollate = setlocale(LC_COLLATE,locales[i]))) {
            fprintf(stderr, "setlocale failed\n");
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        wprintf(L"locale: LC_CTYPE=%s  LC_COLLATE=%s\n", lctype, lcollate);
        wprintf(L"        %s\n", locales[++i]);
        wprintf(L"        %s\n", locales[++i]);

        for (line = lines ; *line ; ++line) {
            int n = line - lines;

            if (!(n & 1)) {
                wprintf(L"  wcscoll((%d),(%d)) = %d --- wscxfrm gives\n",
                        n, n+1, wcscoll(lines[n], lines[n+1]));
            if ((r = wcsxfrm(buf1, *line, 1024)) >= 1024) {
                fprintf(stderr, "wcsxfrm returned %u >= 1024\n", r);
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
            wprintf(L"%5d:", n);
            for (j=0 ; j < r ; j++) {
                if (j && !(j % 14)) {
                    wprintf(L"\n      ");
                wprintf(L"%5x", buf1[j]);


    return retval;

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