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Re: unresolved symbols when link an application statically

On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 11:37:12PM -0700, Roland McGrath wrote:
> Object files and static libraries (.a) are not ABI-compatible with a new
> libc.  The only guarantee you get is that (correct) shared objects (.so)
> that worked before will continue to work.  If you have static libraries,
> you need to recompile them from source using the new libc's headers if you
> want to link against a new libc.
Heh :-(... Eventually I have no Oracle OCI library sources :-)...
I wonder if there's a way to create a custom version of the _new_ libc,
that can be used when linking with old [Oracle] static libraries?
I'll be glad if you tell me what to I can read and/or hack to implement such
kind of backward compatibility.

I understand that another option is to install glibc-2.2 headers and static
libs and compile my application against this library...

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