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Re: Next Version?

On 06/19/2014 11:58 AM, Jean-François Caron wrote:
Hello, I am wondering if anyone has an update on when we might see the next version of GSL?  Is it something like “in the next month”, “by the end of summer”, or “next year”?

I don’t need any details, I’m just being impatient because my contribution is supposed to appear in the next version, and I wish to make a patch for CERN’s ROOT that will use the new feature.  So just a short answer will be enough to satisfy me.  = )


It looks like v2.0 could take a significant amount of time, as there are several large undertakings, as you saw from the various emails. One option to help your users would be to port the steffen code into the 1.x branch (called maint-1 on the git). Then I could quickly make a release (ie: v1.17). Is this something that would help? I could theoretically do this in a few hours once I find some time.


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