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HowTo: compile the GSL using MSVC C++ Toolkit 2003 on Windows XP or Windows 2000

    First off, let me say thanks to all those who have worked so hard on the GNU Scientific Library (GSL).   I'm
impressed with the attention to quality.  A special thanks to the indefatigable Brian Gough, and to Gerard
Jungman.  I hope this little recipe helps someone a fraction as much as the GSL team has helped me.

    I wanted to use the GSL for some linear algebra, some special functions, and some optimization.  These
instructions are for version 1.7 of the GSL, installed in C:\gsl-1.7.  Happily, even though automake works poorly
at best with MSVC, the GSL does seem to compile just fine using the free compilers from MS.

    I am using the Microsoft compilers and standard libraries for the rest of my code, so I wanted to do the same for
my compiled copy of the GSL.  I downloaded and installed (for free!) the Microsoft Visual C++ ToolKit 2003 from, and installed the Microsoft SDK from, though I am not sure the latter was necessary for the
building a DLL from the GSL, just for building the static COFF library.  That said, I have only used the static
libraries, as I am not sure the DLL ended up with any exports.

    I had installed Cygwin, so I had a decent shell (I use zsh) as well as automake/autoconf/gawk and all the other
unixy tools the GSL build environment expects.  You will need to do the same.

Similiar Work:
    Brian Gough at Network Theory supplies a supported version of the GSL compiled in MSVC.  You can find it at

    As I provide no guarantees about the integrity of a build arising from the process delineated here, I suggest
serious users work with Network Theory.

    The GSL may once have contained Visual Studio build environments.  Being a makefile fan, I don't have VS.  The
main advantage to this recipe from my perspective is that I have effective scripted makefile control over compile
flags, such as debug flags, and hence debuggers work well when I need them.

    You need:
        INCLUDE set to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003\include
        LIB set to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003\lib

    I did the above in the Control Panel just to make sure the slashes came out OK, and because I needed other things
(like Python modules) to compile properly on other projects.

    In addition, in the shell, I did
        export CC=cl.exe
        export LD=link.exe
        export CFLAGS="/IC:/PROGRA~1/MIFD68~1/include /Disfinite=_finite /nologo /IC:/gsl-1.7 /D__STDC__ /Ox"
                             this is the location of the Microsoft SDK.  Not sure it is really needed.
        export CPP="cl -E"

    Note that the definition of __STDC__ in the $CFLAGS is necessary because otherwise the Microsoft <math.h> already
defines "complex" to be "_complex", which causes preprocessor macro problems with the GSL.  Note also the
definition of $LD did not seem to make linking work right in later steps, so I did it more manually (see below).

    After the above, a plain old ./configure from the shell prompt worked fine.

Modifying makefiles:
    Windows does not have symlinks so one must use cp instead. Note that setting the LN_S environment variable before
running ./configure did not work.  So you have to make this fix more deviously.

        foreach i (**/Makefile) perl -i -pe 's|LN_S = ln -s|LN_S = cp|' $i; end

    The syntax above is zsh syntax.  Equivalents for other shells are an exercise for the user ;-)

    You might as well start with a plain old "make" but the executables won't come out right in the "siman"
subdirectory.  So, to make sure all the object files get built, do

        foreach i (*(/)) (cd $i && make); end

    The syntax above is zsh syntax.  Equivalents for other shells are an exercise for the user ;-)

    Linking is difficult.  Though some more Makefile-fu could probably work, the following hack was successful. 
First, move aside the Cygwin version of link.exe:

        mv /bin/link.exe /bin/link_cygwin.exe

    Now, make the makefiles capable of listing their relevant object files:

        foreach i (*/Makefile) perl -i~ -pe 's|^(lib.*la_OBJECTS =(.*))$|libobjects=$2\n$1|' /tmp/Makefile $i; end
        foreach i (*/Makefile) echo "include /cygdrive/c/tmp/listobj.mak" | cat >> $i; end

    where the file /cygdrive/c/tmp/listobj.mak simply contains (don't forget that's a tab before @echo)
        borg: $(libobjects)
            @echo $(addprefix $(subdir)/,$(libobjects))

    then, using this capability, build a giant DLL and a giant LIB, with

        (foreach i (*(/)) (cd $i && make borg); end)| xargs link.exe \/DLL \/OUT:gsl.dll
        (foreach i (*(/)) (cd $i && make borg); end)| xargs lib.exe \/OUT:gsl.lib

    and finally, for a fine-grained set of static libraries, you can do

        foreach i (*(/)) echo $i; (cd $i && make borg) |  xargs lib.exe  \/OUT:gsl$i.lib; end

    The syntax above is zsh syntax.  Equivalents for other shells are an exercise for the user ;-)

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