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Re: Suggestion of improving error reporting.

Alan Aspuru-Guzik writes:
 > Would it be possible to report the indexes and also the two sizes of the
 > matrix (or the index and the size of the vector) so when somebody
 > debugs, one doesn't need to go to the debugger or printf to find it?

Thanks for the email.  It would be nice to have access to that
information but it's unclear to me how to handle multiple values,
since I don't want to depend on variable argument functions.
Currently we use varargs "..." arguments in the test programs only.

To make life more convenient you could write a small shell script
which runs your program, then checks for a new core file and, if it
finds one, uses gdb to print the backtrace so you can see the
arguments.  This would have the advantage that it works for any
program and also lets you see all the parameters in the call stack.

Brian Gough

Network Theory Ltd,
Commercial support for GSL ---

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