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(very) small suggestions

In chapter "Random Number Distributions" the section title "The
Spherical Distribution (2D & 3D)" could be extended to "The Spherical
Distribution (2D, 3D & n-D)". I've searched for 10 minutes for
  gsl_ran_dir_nd --- knowing that such a function exists --- but where
was it... :-)

To have readable output during do_siman this patch adds some tabs
--- siman.c.old 2003-07-25 17:18:14.000000000 +0200
+++ siman.c     2003-08-19 19:17:51.000000000 +0200
@@ -131,9 +131,9 @@
        /*       printf("%5d %12g %5d %3d %3d %3d", n_iter, T, n_evals, */
        /*           100*n_eless/n_steps, 100*n_accepts/n_steps, */
        /*           100*n_rejects/n_steps); */
-      printf ("%5d   %7d  %12g", n_iter, n_evals, T);
+      printf ("%5d\t%7d\t%12g\t", n_iter, n_evals, T);
        print_position (x);
-      printf ("  %12g\n", E);
+      printf ("\t%12g\n", E);

/* apply the cooling schedule to the temperature */

Thanks, Achim

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