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GSL & Linux RTAI


  I'm working now on the design of a manipulator's control with Linux
  I'm using GSL for some pseudo-inverse computation of non square matrix
with Greville's Algorithm but I have some troubles :
  - Now, I have two objects : a binary in user's space for implement my
functions which use GSL and a kernel module for rtai's task
  - I've tried to linked this two object together but I've failed ...
And I think that's not a good method ...

  When I want to compile only one object (the rtai's one) with #include
<gsl_xxxxxx.h> : the compilation failed ...
  My aim is to compute with GSL in a kernel module ... 
  Is there somebody who have faced this kind of problem before ?

  Sincerelly yours,

  Renaud AUBIN
  Ingénieur ENSMM
  Laboratoire de Robotique de Versailles
  10/12 Avenue de l'Europe
  78140 Vélizy - FRANCE


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