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re: re: freedom

>Enough now,
>- martin

thanks for the lots of links. pages full of idiotic word

ok, i can sell gpl'd software - but only together with the
sources, and everybody who buys it is allowed to give it to
anyone else for free. do you really believe that i would
sell my program more than once? no, you certainly do not
believe that. on the other hand, if somebody is saying
things that are completely different from what he believes,
one would say that person is telling lies.

even worse, if i give my program away under the gpl once,
i am instantly loosing all my rights to the fsf, and can
never get them back.

the gpl is a farce of a license, the free software
movement is based on lies, their websites are full of
lies, and their supporters are telling lies all the time.

sorry and bye,

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