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Re: Strange output "calling fini: /usr/lib/"


The strange output dissapeared when I changed
"*params = bla;" with "params = &blah;"

     > Hello, I used GSL to compute two-dimensional integral using sequentally
     > the procedure "gsl_integration_qag"

     > It works but the final output (on stdio) of the program is quite
     > intriguing...

     > 28655: 28655: calling fini: /usr/lib/ 28655: 28655: 28655:
     > calling fini: /usr/lib/ 28655: 28655: 28655: calling
     > fini: /lib/ 28655: 28655: 28655: calling fini: /lib/
     > 28655:

     > The program was compiled with gcc-2.95.3-52 by the command

     > $gcc -Wall -O2 -I../include -lm -lgsl -lgslcblas -o h3_integral \
     > num-integral.c

     > The system is Intel PIII, SUSE 7.3, gsl ver. 1.0, release 138 according
     > to "rpm -qi gsl"

     > What all that means?

     > -- all the best

     > Alexei Meremianin

Alexei Meremianin
Theoretical Quantendynamics
Hermann-Herder-Str. 3
D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
phone: ++49-761-203-5800 (Office)
       ++49-761-881-2250 (Home)
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