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Re: linear interpolation

aliceman wrote:


i have to use linear interpolation in my program that's why
i chose this library to help me.

could anyone write me a few-line sample code with use of gsl_interp_linear declaration and gsl_interp_eval() function?
or, please, could anyone send me a link to the page with sample code?

when i tried to declare:
gsl_interp_linear *linear;
gsl_interp_accel *acc = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();

const gsl_interp_type* ltype = gsl_interp_linear;
gsl_interp_accel *acc = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
gsl_interp* interp = gsl_interp_alloc(ltype, 2);

I hope you will figure out how "gsl_***_type" style of gsl design is work by examples.
for example, check 1-d root finding example.

Best Regards,


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