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Re: histograms


GSL philosophy is to provide "raw" functions that other applications
can build on top of, analogous to the low-level i/o functions in the
standard C-library.

So the fprint/fwrite functions only dump out the data part and leave
it to the user to deal with metadata in the way that is appropriate
for their application. 

As with GSDV there could be libraries built on top of GSL that would
assist the user in writing GSL data types in different formats
(e.g. gslxdr, gslhdf, etc). Designing a library for portable IO would
be a project in itself though.

Brian Gough

   Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 06:41:58 -0400
   From: Craig P Prescott <>

   I want to have many histograms in the same file, which I may want to
   read in again with another (or the same) GSL-aware app.  What do
   developers using the GSL do to accomplish this?  It seems the
   developer must write their own header for each histogram so you know
   what kind of histogram it is and what its dimensions are.  Should the
   GSL *_fread/fwrite *_fprintf/fscanf take care of this for us?

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