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Re: [ (Christopher R. Gabriel)] gsl patch

>>>>> "Gerard" == Gerard Jungman <> writes:

    Gerard> I have replied to the full list, to try and clear this up
    Gerard> again.

    Gerard> No, it should not be in the general library. There are two
    Gerard> separate blas implementations, one native GSL and one
    Gerard> implemented as a wrapper over a conformant cblas
    Gerard> implementation.
    Gerard> People choose which one they want at _application_ link
    Gerard> time.  So all applications that use linear algebra must
    Gerard> specify either -lgslblasnative or -lgslblascblas, as well
    Gerard> as -lgsl. When they link against -lgslblascblas, they will
    Gerard> also need to link -lcblasfoo, where cblasfoo is their
    Gerard> local cblas conformant implementation.

Thanks for the explanation. Could be a possibile solution to avoid
problems with library users adding an option to the gsl-config script?
something like 'gsl-config --libs-without-native-blas' to let users
add their preferred blas implementation?

Christopher R. Gabriel              |    bez0(x) = (1 - x)**3      |    bez1(x) = 3 * (1 - x)**2 * x	
Short messages: |    bez2(x) = 3 * (1 - x) * x**2
                                         bez3(x) = x**3
                                         set title "Ecco che ride!"

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