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[Fix] Missing file in 2.1.2pre1

The package creation process for glibc 2.1.2pre1 missed one (at least)
file.  If you're testing glibc 2.1.2pre1 and use the tar files, please
save the appended file as sysdeps/gnu/siglist.h.


/* Canonical list of all signal names.
   Copyright (C) 1996,97,98,99 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   This file is part of the GNU C Library.

   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
   License, or (at your option) any later version.

   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
   License along with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not,
   write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

/* This file is included multiple times.  */

/* Standard signals  */
  init_sig (SIGHUP, "HUP", N_("Hangup"))
  init_sig (SIGINT, "INT", N_("Interrupt"))
  init_sig (SIGQUIT, "QUIT", N_("Quit"))
  init_sig (SIGILL, "ILL", N_("Illegal instruction"))
  init_sig (SIGTRAP, "TRAP", N_("Trace/breakpoint trap"))
  init_sig (SIGABRT, "ABRT", N_("Aborted"))
  init_sig (SIGFPE, "FPE", N_("Floating point exception"))
  init_sig (SIGKILL, "KILL", N_("Killed"))
  init_sig (SIGBUS, "BUS", N_("Bus error"))
  init_sig (SIGSEGV, "SEGV", N_("Segmentation fault"))
  init_sig (SIGPIPE, "PIPE", N_("Broken pipe"))
  init_sig (SIGALRM, "ALRM", N_("Alarm clock"))
  init_sig (SIGTERM, "TERM", N_("Terminated"))
  init_sig (SIGURG, "URG", N_("Urgent I/O condition"))
  init_sig (SIGSTOP, "STOP", N_("Stopped (signal)"))
  init_sig (SIGTSTP, "TSTP", N_("Stopped"))
  init_sig (SIGCONT, "CONT", N_("Continued"))
  init_sig (SIGCHLD, "CHLD", N_("Child exited"))
  init_sig (SIGTTIN, "TTIN", N_("Stopped (tty input)"))
  init_sig (SIGTTOU, "TTOU", N_("Stopped (tty output)"))
  init_sig (SIGIO, "IO", N_("I/O possible"))
  init_sig (SIGXCPU, "XCPU", N_("CPU time limit exceeded"))
  init_sig (SIGXFSZ, "XFSZ", N_("File size limit exceeded"))
  init_sig (SIGVTALRM, "VTALRM", N_("Virtual timer expired"))
  init_sig (SIGPROF, "PROF", N_("Profiling timer expired"))
  init_sig (SIGWINCH, "WINCH", N_("Window changed"))
  init_sig (SIGUSR1, "USR1", N_("User defined signal 1"))
  init_sig (SIGUSR2, "USR2", N_("User defined signal 2"))

/* Variations  */
#ifdef SIGEMT
  init_sig (SIGEMT, "EMT", N_("EMT trap"))
#ifdef SIGSYS
  init_sig (SIGSYS, "SYS", N_("Bad system call"))
  init_sig (SIGSTKFLT, "STKFLT", N_("Stack fault"))
#ifdef SIGINFO
  init_sig (SIGINFO, "INFO", N_("Information request"))
#elif defined(SIGPWR)
  init_sig (SIGPWR, "PWR", N_("Power failure"))
#ifdef SIGLOST
  init_sig (SIGLOST, "LOST", N_("Resource lost"))

 Andreas Jaeger
  for pgp-key finger

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